What we’ve all been getting up to during lockdown
In our last blog, we looked at how wooden jigsaw puzzles can provide a range of benefits, while we are spending a bit more time indoors than usual. We’ve been asking our wonderful customers and followers on social media for things to do at home, what else they have been getting up to, to pass the time and here are their wonderful ideas for anyone looking for a bit on inspiration;
People naturally love to create and we are happier when expressing ourselves. Art is such a great activity as it can stimulate the imagination, lower stress levels and increase our emotional awareness. There are lots of creative passions to explore too - from breaking out the watercolours and painting a beautiful landscape, creative writing, a musical instrument or craft projects such as sewing, embroidery and card-making. Some are even using their creative sewing talents to stitch together scrubs, masks and headbands for NHS and key workers.
Baking is another form of creating, and one that yields a delicious reward at the end! There are recipes for all levels of bakers, from the family-friendly cupcakes to more ambitious pastries.
One thing is for certain - that baking your own bread is definitely on the rise - with Sourdough loaves and Banana Bread seeming to be the most popular. We particularly love to see the variety of twists on these classic recipes too, and even better when there are wonderful pictures of these yummy creations, fresh from the oven.
It’s as important to look after the body, as well as the mind, and with the closure of gyms and sports clubs, many of us are getting creative with our exercise at home. There’s plenty of resources available such as Joe Wick’s PE lessons on YouTube every morning to get little ones, and their parents, active and awake ready to start the day. Personal Trainers on social media are also providing home-friendly workout ideas for all levels using bodyweight-only exercises or substituting weights for everyday household items making them accessible for everyone.
Group classes are also being provided for - Zumba on Zoom anyone? - as well as yoga and dance, for those who love the social element of exercise too.
As we are spending more time in the home, lots of us are taking the opportunity to make it a nicer place to be, whether it’s a little spruce up with a duster and polish, or a full-on Marie Kondo organising spree. It’s also a great opportunity to finally get those little DIY jobs around the home checked off your to-do list, and we’ve seen some amazing up-cycling projects on furniture, giving them a new lease of life.
No longer reserved just for long-distance work meetings, video-chatting platforms such as Google Hangouts are super popular for keeping in touch with family and friends. Groups who traditionally meet in person are also adapting to meeting online, we even had one customer whose Morris Dancing group practised together via video call!
There’s definitely a special effort made for those whose birthdays have fallen during social distancing - There are some handy guides on how to throw a perfect Zoom party, including sending digital invitations, choosing a great digital background and the best games to play over video chat.
A popular gift to send loved one at the moment is a lovingly created care package including bath bombs, face masks and small candles, which is a wonderful way to let someone know you’re thinking of them.
What better way to chill out and have some me-time then to create your very own spa day at home. So find a relaxing music playlist, throw on your cosiest dressing gown while you run a bath, and have a wonderful soak in some bubbles. Go on, you deserve it!
These have definitely become a household essential in the last month, even for celebrities. And it’s easy to see why when you look at all the wonderful benefits!
We even fast-tracked a coveted selection of our summer range so our lovely customers could refresh their wooden puzzle collection, to suit the wonderful weather we have been having lately!